IV. Readings*

Brief descriptions and references are provided in section 3-‘Resource Material in a Nutshell’

Section I: Society- Technology Interface

1.1 Practicing Interdisciplinarity
Authors: Sharachchandra Lele and Richard B. Norgaard

Link:   http://www.ces.iisc.ernet.in/biodiversity/sahyadri_enews/newsletter/issue21/pdfs/Practicing
1.2 Social Shaping of Technology
Authors: Robin Williams and David Edge

Link:   http://www.rcss.ed.ac.uk/technology/SSTRP.html

Section II: Development- Water

2.1 Development & IWRM, Hydraulic Mission to IWRM

Author: NC Narayanan

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

2.2 Value of Water: Political Ecology and Water Reform in Southern Africa

Authors: Bill Derman and Anne Ferguson

Link:   http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACL420.pdf

2.3 Water Privatization in the Asia Pacific Region

Author: JS-APMDD (Jubilee South- Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development)

Link:   http://www.jubileesouth.org/upload1/water_lo.pdf

2.4 Privatisation of Water- Public-Private Partnerships- Do They Deliver to the Poor?

Authors: Jorgen Magdahl, Hege Sorreimd, Elise Christensen, Andrew Preston, Terje Kronen and Oystein Berg

Link:   http://www.fivas.org/fivas/vedlegg/264_04.09.2007_10.23.45.pdf

Section III: Social Differentiation

3.1 Caste and Class in India- An Analysis

Author: Divya Vaid

Link:   http://www.yale.edu/ciqle/CIQLEPAPERS/CasteandClass.Vaid.pdf

3.2 Understanding Caste, Class and Gender

Author: Lakshmi Lingam

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

3.3 Case Study 1: Chitralekha’s Story

Author: Nagamani Rao

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

3.4 Case Study 2: Vimal’s story

Author: Nagamani Rao

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

3.5 Case Study3: Khairlanji Massacre

Author: Nagamani Rao

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

Section IV: Conceptual- Normative

4.1 Watershed-Based Development- Our Normative framework

Authors: K. J. Joy and Suhas Paranjape

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

4.2 Understanding Water Conflicts in South Asia

Authors: K. J. Joy and Suhas Paranjape

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

4.3 A Framework for Restructuring of Water Sector in Sustainable, Equitable and Participatory Lines

Author: SOPPECOM (Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management)

Link:   http://www.soppecom.org/pdf/DownloadablePapers/soppecomapproach-watersector

4.4 Water for the Twenty First Century: Challenges and Misconceptions

Author: Lyla Mehta

Link: https://entwicklungspolitik.uni-hohenheim.de/uploads/media/Water_for_the_Twenty-First_

4.5 Substantive Issues Arising in the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Author: ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council)

Link: http://repository.forcedmigration.org/show_metadata.jsp?pid=fmo:5312

4.6 Realization of the Right to Drinking Water and Sanitation

Author: ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council)

Link: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/water/docs/SUb_Com_Guisse_guidelines.pdf

4.7 Equity and Rule Making

Author: Rutgerd Boelens

Link: http://www.cabnr.unr.edu/saito/Classes/nres400/readings/boelens.pdf

Section V: Participatory Processes

5.1 Decentralising Governance of Natural Resources in India: A Review

Author: Sharacchandra Lélé

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

5.2 Multi-stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) in Water Resources Management: Some Issues and Suggestions

Authors: K. J. Joy and Suhas Paranjape

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

Section VI: Participatory Irrigation Management

6.1 Note on Participatory Irrigation Management in Maharashtra

Author: K. J. Joy

Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

6.2 Participatory Irrigation Management: An Overview of Issues and the Way Ahead


Link:   http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20and%20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20

Section VII: Gender and Water

7.1 Water for Production: An Overview of the Main Issues and Collection of Supporting Resources

Author: Emma Bell

Link:   http://www.generoyambiente.org/arcangel2/documentos/268.pdf

7.2 “Traditional” Women, “Modern” Water: Linking Gender and Commodification in Rajasthan, India

Author: Kathleen O’Reilly

Link:   http://oreilly.tamu.edu/publications/O'Reilly%20Geoforum%202006.pdf

7.3 Gender, Class and Access to Water: Three Cases in a Poor and Crowded Delta

Authors: Ben Crow and Sultana Farhana

Link:   http://www.farhanasultana.com/publications/Crow_Sultana_SNR_FinalPDF.pdf

7.4 Incentives and Informal Institutions: Gender and the Management of Water

Author: Frances Cleaver

Link:   http://www.springerlink.com/content/u42u5712r5029856/

7.5 Free- Riders or Victims: Women’s Non-Participation in Irrigation Management in Nepal’s Chhattis Mauja Irrigation Scheme

Authors: Margreet Z. Zwarteveen and Nita Neupane

Link:   http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/Publications/IWMI_Research_Reports/PDF/pub007/

7.6 Identifying Gender Aspects of New Irrigation Management Policies

Author: Margreet Z. Zwarteveen

Link:   http://wur.academia.edu/MargreetZwarteveen/Papers/90488/Identifying_gender

7.7 Women Improve Irrigation Flows

Authors: Ava Shrestha and Sonomi Tanaka

Link:    http://www.adb.org/Documents/Periodicals/ADB_Review/2002/vol34_6/vol34_6.pdf

Section VIII: Urban Water

8.1 The Political Economy of Public Sector Utilities Reform

Author: Karen Coelho

Link:   http://infochangeindia.org/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=5604

8.2 Water Poverty in Domestic Households in Major Cities in India

Author: Abdul Shaban

Link:   http://jmi.ac.in/upload/publication/Water_Poverty_in_urban_India.pdf

*The lecture notes included in the manual / compendium were provided by the respective resource persons for the staff training programmes conducted as part of the CB Project. However, the CB Project/ SaciWATERs is not responsible in any way for the content of these lecture notes.