IV. Readings

Brief descriptions and references are provided in section 3-‘Resource Material in a Nutshell’

Section I: Water and Health Linkages

1.1 Protecting and Promoting Human Health
Authors: FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization) and WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme)

Link: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001444/144409E.pdf
1.2 Safer Water, Better Health: Costs, Benefits and Sustainability of Interventions to Protect and Promote Health
Author: Annette Prüss-Üstün, Robert Bos, Fiona Gore and Jamie Bartram

Link: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2008/9789241596435_eng.pdf
1.3 Safe Water as the Key to Global Health
Author: Corinne J. Schuster

Link: http://www.inweh.unu.edu/documents/SafeWater_Web_version.pdf
1.4 Ecosystems and Human Health- An Agenda for Research?
Authors: V. S. Saravanan and Peter P. Mollinga

Link: http://www.zef.de/fileadmin/webfiles/downloads/zef_wp/wp82.pdf
1.5 The Water Poverty Index: International Comparisons
Authors: Peter Lawrence, Jeremy Meigh and Caroline Sullivan

Link: http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/wpawuwpdc/0211003.htm
1.6 Basic Epidemiology in Disease Surveillance
Author: WHO (World Health Organization) India

Link: http://www.whoindia.org/LinkFiles/Public_Health_Laboratory_Networking_07.DSO-
1.7 Behavior Change
Authors: Michael Falvin and Diane Bendhmane

Link: http://www.ehproject.org/PDF/Lessons_Learned/behavior_change.pdf
1.8 Water quality in South Asia
Authors: Stephen Luby

Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2740663/
1.9 Health and the Environment
Author: OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

Link: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/38/18/40396531.pdf
1.10 Water Recreation and Disease: Plausibility of Associated Infections: Acute Effects, Sequelae and Mortality
Author: Kathy Ponds

Link: http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/bathing/recreadis.pdf

Section II: Water pollution and health

2.1 Air and Water Pollution: Burden and Strategies for Control

Authors: Tord Kjellstrom, Madhumita Lodh, Tony McMichael, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Rupendra Shrestha, and Sally Kingsland

Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11769/

2.2 Impacts of Groundwater Contamination with Fluoride and Arsenic: Affliction Severity, Medical Cost and Wage Loss in Some Villages of India

Authors: Indu Rajnarayan, Sunderrajan Krishnan and Tushaar Shah

Link: http://irm.sagepub.com/content/3/1/69.full.pdf+html

2.3 Towards a More Effective Operational Response: Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in South and East Asian Countries

Authors: Karin Kemper, Khawaja Minnatullah, Stephen Foster and Albert Tuinhof

Link: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTSAREGTOPWATRES/Resources/ArsenicVolI_

2.4 Managing the Arsenic Disaster in Water Supply: Risk Measurements, Cost of Illness and Policy Choices for Bangladesh

Author: M. Z. Hozzain

Link: http://idl-bnc.idrc.ca/dspace/bitstream/10625/38905/1/128274.pdf

2.5 Dietary Arsenic Exposure in Bangladesh

Authors: Molley L. Kile, E. Andres Houseman, Carrie V. Breton, Thomas Smith, Quazi Quamruzzaman, Mahmuder Rahman, Golam Mahiuddin and David C. Christiani

Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1892146/pdf/ehp0115-000889.pdf

2.6 Recycled Water and Human Health Effects

Authors: Joanne O’Toole, Karin Leder and Martha Sinclar

Link: http://www.racgp.org.au/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/AustralianFamilyPhys/

2.7 Fluorosis Management Programme in India: The Impact of Networking Between Health and Rural Drinking Supply Implementing Agencies

Author: A. K. Susheela

Link: http://www.fluorideandfluorosis.com/Reprints/pdf/Tox%20&%20Env%20Hlth.

2.8 Excess Fluoride Ingestion and Thyroid Hormone Derangements in Children Living in Delhi, India

Authors: A. K. Susheela, M. Bhatnagar, K. Vig and N. K. Mondal

Link: http://poisonfluoride.com/pfpc/Susheela_Fluoride_2005.pdf

2.9 Water-Related Diseases- Fluorosis

Author: WHO (World Health Organization).

Link: http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/diseases/fluorosis/en/

2.10 Groundwater Pollution and Contamination in India: The Emerging Challenge

Authors: Dinesh M. Kumar and Tushaar Shah

Link: http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/iwmi-tata/files/pdf/ground-pollute4_FULL_.pdf

2.11 Strategies for Combating Nitrate Pollution

Authors: E. V. S. Prakasa Rao and K. Puttanna

Link: http://www.iisc.ernet.in/currsci/nov252006/1335.pdf

Section III: Microbial Contamination of Water and Infectious Diseases

3.1 CSE Draft Dossier: Health and Environment

Author: CSE (Center for Science and Environment)

Link: http://old.cseindia.org/programme/health/pdf/conf2006/a2indoorair.pdf

3.2 Diarrheal diseases

Authors: Gerald T. Keusch, Olivier Fontaine, Alok Bhargava, Cynthia BoschiPinto, Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Eduardo Gotuzzo, Juan Rivera, Jeffrey Chow, Sonbol A. Shahid-Salles, and Ramanan Laxminarayan

Link: http://files.dcp2.org/pdf/DCP/DCP19.pdf

3.3 Exploring Intra-Household Factors for Diarrhoeal Diseases: A Study in Slums of Delhi, India

Author: Rajib Dasgupta

Link: http://www.iwaponline.com/jwh/006/0289/0060289.pdf

3.4 Valuing Health Damages from Water Pollution in Urban Delhi, India: A Health Production Function Approach

Author: Purnamita Dasgupta

Link: http://ideas.repec.org/a/cup/endeec/v9y2004i01p83-106_00.html

3.5 Impact of Malaria Control

Author: WHO (World Health Organization)

Link: http://bepast.org/disease_information/malaria/malaria2008.pdf

3.6 Conquering malaria

Authors: Joel G. Breman Anne Mills, Robert W. Snow, Jo-Ann Mulligan, Christian Lengeler, Kamini Mendis, Brian Sharp, Chantal Morel, Paola Marchesini, Nicholas J. White, Richard W. Steketee and Ogobara K. Doumbo

Link: http://files.dcp2.org/pdf/DCP/DCP21.pdf

Section IV: Water Supply, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health

4.1 Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion

Author: Sandy Cairncross and Vivian Valdman

Link: http://files.dcp2.org/pdf/DCP/DCP41.pdf

4.2 Lessons Learned From Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: Scaling-up Rural Sanitation in South Asia

Author: WSP (Water and Sanitation Program)

Link: http://esa.un.org/iys/docs/san_lib_docs/Scaling%20Up%20Rural%20Saniltation.pdf

4.3 The Microbiology of Piped Distribution Systems and Public Health

Authors: Pierre Payment and Will Robertson

Link: http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/en/piped1.pdf

4.4 Learning from Experience- Water and Environmental Sanitation in India

Author: UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)

Link: http://www.unicef.org/publications/index_4405.html

4.5 Water Supply and Sanitation (A WHO-UNICEF sponsored study)

Author: Planning Commission, Government of India

Link: http://planningcommission.nic.in/reports/genrep/wtrsani.pdf

4.6 Study on “Disease Burden due to Inadequate Water and Sanitation Facilities in India”

Author: Sulabh International Academy of Environmental Sanitation

Link: http://www.whoindia.org/LinkFiles/Water_Quality_Disease_Burden_due_to_Inadequate_

4.7 Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Options in Developing Countries: A Review of Current Implementation Practices

Authors: Daniele S. Lantagne, Robert Quick and Eric D. Mintz

Link: http://s189535770.onlinehome.us/pottersforpeace/wp-content/uploads/household_

4.8 Social Returns from Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education: A Case Study of Two coastal villages in Kerala

Author: K. Pushpangadan

Link: http://www.cds.edu/download_files/333.pdf

4.9 Wetlands & Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)- Understanding the Linkages

Author: Wetlands International

Link: http://www.pnuma.org/agua-miaac/SUBREGIONAL%20MESO/MATERIAL%20ADICIONAL/

Section V: Disasters, Water and Health

5.1 Communicable Diseases Following Natural Disasters: Risk Assessment and Priority Interventions

Author: WHO (World Health Organization)

Link: http://www.who.int/diseasecontrol_emergencies/guidelines/CD_Disasters_26_06.pdf

5.2 Disaster Management in India: Status Report

Authors: National Disaster Management Division

Link: http://www.ndmindia.nic.in/EQProjects/Disaster%20Management%20in%20India%20-

5.3 Disaster Response Preparedness Plan: Part I

Author: United Nations Disaster Management Team

Link: http://www.undp.org/cpr/disred/documents/regions/asia/nepal_prepI.pdf

5.4 Towards a Safer Sri Lanka: A Road Map for Disaster Risk Management

Author: Disaster Management Centre

Link: http://www.preventionweb.net/files/17954_goslroadmapdismanagcentre.pdf

Section VI: Water Resource Management and Health

6.1 Human Health in Water Resources Development

Author: Wim van der Hoek

Link: http://www.eolss.net/ebooks/Sample%20Chapters/C03/E2-20A-05.pdf

6.2 Water Quality in Developing Countries, South Asia, South Africa, Water Quality Management and Activities that Cause Water Pollution

Author: Somaya Abbaspour

Link: http://www.ipcbee.com/vol15/17-U10016.pdf

6.3 Water Resources Management in the Remediation of Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh

Authors: Mohammed Safiuddin and Mohammed Masud Karim

Link: http://www.eng-consult.com/pub/Arsenicbook.pdf

6.4 Effect of Irrigation and Large Dams on the Burden of Malaria on a Global and Regional Scale

Authors: Jennifer Keiser, Marcia Caldas De Castro, Michael F. Maltese, Robert Bos, Marcel Tanner, Burton H. Singer and Jurg Utzinger

Link: http://www.ajtmh.org/content/72/4/392.long

6.5 Guidelines for the Incorporation of Health Safeguards into Irrigation Projects through Intersectoral Cooperation (With Special Reference to the Vector-Borne Diseases)

Author: Mary Tiffen

Link: http://gc21.inwent.org/ibt/en/modules/gc21/ws-nrm-net/ibt/downloads/dialogue/peem.pdf

Section VII: Water, Health and Equity

7.1 Basic Needs and the Right to Health

Authors: UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation) and WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme)

Link: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001297/129726e.pdf#page=123

7.2 Implementing Equity: The Commission on Social Determinants of Health

Author: Marion Birch

Link: http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/87/1/08-061978.pdf

7.3 Malaria and Right to Health

Author: Anonymous

Link: http://www.afmeurope.org/IMG/pdf/Paludisme-et-droit-a-la-sante.pdf

Section VIII: Water, Poverty and Health Linkages

8.1 Health and Poverty Linkages: Perspectives of the Chronically Poor

Author: Ursula Grant

Link: http://www.odi.org.uk/resources/details.asp?id=2066&title=health-poverty-linkages-

8.2 Poverty, Health and Environment: Placing Environmental Health on Countries’ Developmental Agendas

Author: Poverty-Environment Partnership

Link: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTENVHEA/Resources/PovHealthEnvCRA.pdf

8.3 Poverty and Water Supply and Sanitation Services

Author: Len Abrams

Link: http://www.africanwater.org/Documents/Poverty_and_sustainability.PDF

8.4 Water for Food, Agricultural and Rural Livelihoods

Authors: FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) and WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme)

Link: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001454/145405e.pdf#page=259

8.5 Securing Food for a Growing World Population

Authors: FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) and WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme)

Link: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001454/145405e.pdf#page=259

8.6 Water, Health and Poverty Linkages: A Case Study from Sri Lanka

Authors: Sarath Abayawardana and Intizar Hussain

Link: http://www.adb.org/water/actions/sri/SRI_water_health_poverty.pdf

8.7 Assessing the Health of the Poor: Towards a Pro-Poor Measuring Strategy

Authors: I. Diamond, Z. Matthews and R. Stephenson

Link: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/HOppsIssuesPaperDiamond.pdf

8.8 Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Improved Water Quality in Rural Areas: An Exploratory Study in Coastal AP

Authors: Ratna V. Reddy, M. Kullappa and D. Mohan Rao

Link: http://www.isec.ac.in/JSED%20Vol.%2010%20No.%201%20(Jan.%20-%20

Section IX: Water, Health and Gender

9.1 Child Malnutrition and Gender Discrimination in South Asia

Author: Santosh Mehrotra

Link: http://www.jsk.gov.in/articles/gender_discrimination_in_south_asia_santosh_mehrotra.pdf

9.2 Arsenic Exposure During Pregnancy and Size at Birth: A Prospective Cohort Study in Bangladesh

Authors: Anisur Rahman, Marie Vahter, Allan H. Smith, Barbro Nermell, Mohammed Yunus, Shams El Arifeen, Lars-Ake Persson and Eva-Charlotte Ekstrom

Link: http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/169/3/304.full.pdf+html

9.3 Pregnancy Outcomes, Infant Mortality, and Arsenic in Drinking Water in West Bengal, India

Authors: O. S. Von Ehrenstein, D. N. Guha Mazumder, M. Hira-Smith, N. Ghosh, Y. Yuan, G. Windham, A. Ghosh, R. Haque, S. Lahiri, D. Kalman, S. Das and A. H. Smith.

Link: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/well/resources/Publications/Briefing%20Notes/WELL%20CN%204.

9.4 Gender Millennium Development Goal: What Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Can Do in India

Author: Isaac John

Link: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/well/resources/Publications/Briefing%20Notes/