Documenting Disappearing Water bodies of Hyderabad City: Social Technological Options for Drinking Water Supply

Overview and Objectives

The main objective of this study was to document the disappearing water bodies of Hyderabad City. It sought to develop a methodology for creating a data base for water bodies of Hyderabad that captures the satellite imagery information along with field level analyses of sources of degradation of water bodies as well as their inter connecting channels.

1. Demarcation of HMDA area into major WSs and identify revenue divisions contained within them
2. Select one major WS and identify lakes /water bodies /connecting channels circumscribed by it
3. For each of these lakes prepare a lake profile that includes satellite imagery data as well as current ground level situation on water spread , FTL, encroachment, pollution, catchments features that impair fresh water or pollution inflows etc.
4. From contour maps - trace out the connections of successive lakes in a consolidated WS map that will also serve as a template for preparing other WS maps
5. By identifying sources of degradation such a mapping will provide a strong support to planning for rejuvenation of these water bodies and their connecting channels
6. Have a stakeholder's workshop to disseminate the findings of the study with local stakeholders

The study encompasses spatio-temporal analysis of three selected basins namely Mir Alam, Himayatsagar and Umdasagar falling under Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA). These basins are adjacent to each other and are part of larger basins of Musi River. For temporal investigation of physical and socioeconomic parameters of each of these basins, two points of time have been selected i.e 2004 and 2012.

Project Details

Project Team

Jasveen Jairath

Dr.Anjal Prakash

Ms.Chirantana Kar

Poulomi Banerjee


Our Address
Plot No. 164, First floor,
Road no.6, Vayupuri,
Secunderabad, Telangana
+91 40 29998042


  • Water Policy & Governance
  • Periurban Water Security
  • Climate Change and Water
  • Water and Gender
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Water Quality

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