Assessment of WAPRO project of ICSD

About the Project

The project 'Increase water efficiency and food production in key commodity value chains through multi stakeholder partnership applying a Push-Pull-Policy strategy.' aka WAPRO project is implemented in the Uttarakhand state from June 2015 to October 2018, to bridge the water productivity gap in rice value chain. As the phase I (2015-2018) of the project ended in October and new phase has begun, there is a need for evaluating the project to understand the degree of achievements and its replicability at other locations. Further, this is the moment where the project learnings can be consolidated, success stories documented and recommendations can be made for future projects or to replicate the program in other areas. Keeping this objective in view the present study has been taken up.

The evaluation of the project will be done at two levels; 1.using available secondary data and 2. Using primary data collection methods including Key Informant Interviews (KII), Interviews using semi-structured questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and transact walks. The data gathered from both the primary and secondary sources will be analyzed further to develop an evaluation report on efficiency of project interventions under the three project pillars. Also, success stories in form of short video and brochures will be developed aimed at reaching larger audience with clear messages on how to improve the water use efficiency and productivity by promoting Water Stewardship plans at village level.

Expected outcomes

Duration |

December 2018- March 2019

Location |

6 villages of Almora district, Uttarakhand

Funder |

Intercooperation Social Development India

Team |

Dr. M. Snehalatha

Ms. Suchita Jain

Ms. Vidya Ramesh

Ms. Monica Priya