Water Security in Peri-Urban South Asia

Adapting to Climate Change and Urbanisation

Upcoming Events

Levers of Change in (Peri) Urban Water Management

Seminar Organised at the World Water Week in Stockholm

Tuesday, 23 August 2011, 9.00 – 12.30 p.m. Room K 23

This seminar addresses levers of change in rapidly urbanizing areas that lead to positive Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) reforms in both the formal and informal sectors for meeting human needs. The development of governance structures, the hydro-social contract, climate change, and water security through diverse technological and social capital will be discussed from concepts to successful demonstrations in various (peri) urban cities. Building resilience using a water-sensitive approach is becoming fundamental, and variations in achieving water security from institutionalized policy changes to adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities, in lesser institutionalized cities, will be juxtaposed for an interactive seminar discussion on levers of change towards sustainability under climate change and urbanization.

Water-sensitive solutions can be achieved by adopting new features in urban planning via a total water cycle and diversified water planning; multiple community benefit policies with higher levels of community involvement in decision-making; and integrated planning that embeds water efficiency into the city viewing the “city as its own catchment.” Positive institutional, sector reforms, and improved water quality towards more efficient and sensitive water uses and values have resulted from policies recognizing inter-agency/multi-stakeholder cooperation and coordination; enforcement and management, from traditional single objective spending to investing in runoff reduction and storm water management strategies with multiple benefits. Wastes such as sewage and storm water and rainwater are valued as resources for irrigation and other uses, reducing conventional water supply network and freeing up more water for environmental flows and ecosystem services. Livelihood opportunities of the various (peri) urban communities as well as social inequities need to be addressed and recognized and accounted for by researchers, policy-makers, and the civil society at large.

For more information about the programme, click here to download flyer

About the World Water Week in Stockholm

The World Water Week in Stockholm is the annual meeting place for the planet’s most urgent water-related issues. Organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), it brings together 2500 experts, practitioners, decision makers and business innovators from around the globe to exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions.

The theme for the 2011 World Water Week in Stockholm, August 21-27 is “Water in an Urbanising World”. Read more at www.worldwaterweek.org