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Project Objectives & Expected Outcome

1. Objectives of the programme

The objectives of the programme are:

  • To increase access of the households to improved and sustainable drinking water and Sanitation services in the slums of Hyderabad City
  • To ensure sustained behavior change and increased access to improves and sustainable drinking water and sanitation services to the school children in Hyderabad city
  • To mobilize the government funds towards demonstrating a sustainable and viable model of WASH infrastructure service delivery.

2. Principles of interventions and approaches

The interventions and approaches are developed based on some key principles to demonstrate sustainable models in WASH services (with community participation). These models will play key role in advocating the approach, methodologies and streamlining the funding pattern towards sustainable and equitable WASH service delivery. The following are key principals

  • Access to safe water – Establishment of community based monitoring system by training and orientating the community based groups on water quality issues in the city along with preventive and mitigation measures.
  • Increase in access and availability to sustainable water and sanitation services through:
    • Restoration and protection of community water points;
    • Rainwater harvesting;
    • Roof water harvesting with storage facilities;
    • O&M models for community water resource maintenance and management;
    • Developing a sense of community ownership and responsibility of WASH infrastructure within the community members;
    • Decentralized solutions to address sanitation issues;
    • Open defecation free status with safe waste water disposal;
    • Conversion of insanitary toilets to sanitary toilets;
    • Wealth from waste concept at community level;
    • Reduce Reuse and Recycle concept at household level in the community;
    • Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities w.r.t to hygiene behavior;
    • Improving coverage of SWM through community monitoring mechanisms.
  • Schools
    • Filling the immediate gaps in WASH infrastructure in schools as per the priority identified by the school management ;
    • Inculcation of Hygiene practices among school children through IEC programmes;
    • Developing O&M models for school WASH infrastructure through School Management committees and Child Cabinet’s participation.

3. Expected results/outputs

The following are the expected results/outputs of the programme:

  • User groups established and strengthened at slums and school levels;
  • Demonstrated cost effective solutions and effective measures of hygiene at households and schools;
  • Improved knowledge on WASH issues at both Community and School level through IEC activities;
  • Improved access to safe drinking water at household/community level benefitted by slum households;
  • Improved O&M of the water supply infrastructure;
  • Improved sanitation conditions at slum level, demonstrated capacity of the community on O&M of the sanitation infrastructure;
  • Successful Solid Waste Management demonstrated in 4 slums and benefitted by households in these slums;
  • Five independent infrastructures supported on Water Supply and Sanitation services at School level benefitting approximately 1500 Students.