Technical Assistance to Buxar and Bhagalpur district administration to work on arsenicosis mitigation in select 50 habitations

Overview and Objectives

  • To extend technical support in development of Bihar specific WASH in Schools Benchmarking system in line with National SVP.
  • To create a competitive environment in the State through State benchmarking system and support the government in making all the School WASH Compliant in a phased manner.
  • To create a cadre of Master Trainers on state benchmarking system to support the schools for WASH Compliance.

    Project Details with Methodology

    Result 1: Development of State specific WASH in Schools benchmarking system in Bihar: State specific benchmarking system will be developed through a consultative process in collaboration with Bihar Education Project Council (BEPC) and UNICEF. Regional consultations with the key stakeholders such as Children, Teachers, CRCs, BRCs, BEOs, BRPs, JEs, AEs, DPO and DEOs to understand the field realities. Basis which a state level consultation will be organized to develop a draft benchmarking system and field testing will be done to finalize the same. A final state benchmarking system will be developed and submitted to the government for necessary action to roll out in the state, to make sure all the Schools are WASH Compliant as per the benchmarking system in a phased manner.

    Result 2: Capacity building of key stakeholders: Capacity building program will conduct at two levels. At state level will train master trainers (5 from each district of Bihar) and provide technical support to BEPC for cascading trainings up to school level. At the end of the project period, a total of 200 Master Trainer cadre will be developed in consultation with BEPC and technical support will be extended to percolate down the benchmarking system to the school level through cascading trainings.

    Result 3: Development of Monitoring system: To monitor the WASH facilities, a digital Application and data analysis system need to be developed. It helps to find out the gaps between the required and available WASH facilities, practices in every school basis which the government can take necessary steps to make them WASH Compliance. This also helps the schools to ease the nomination process for national SVP nomination process. Result 4: Process Documentation: For the next level learnings and replicate the success model will document the entire process in print and video format.
  • Project Details

    Project Team

    Vidya R

    Ms.Suchita Jain

    Dr.Sreenita Mondal

    Mr.Abraham Daniel Raj

    Gautam Anand

    Vaibhav G

    Kumar Gautam


    Our Address
    Plot No. 164, First floor,
    Road no.6, Vayupuri,
    Secunderabad, Telangana
    +91 40 29998042


  • Water Policy & Governance
  • Periurban Water Security
  • Climate Change and Water
  • Water and Gender
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Water Quality

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