Kabindra Sharma from SaciWATERs, as part of policy advocacy, made a detailed presentation reflecting upon the evolution of policies in the international arena. The impact of climate change ranges from people residing in the Himalayas to those living in coastal areas. Efforts have been made by smaller countries from the Himalayas to island nations. Maldives and Nepal, two small nations in South Asia, smaller in size and population, were headline makers just before the very important climate summit which had a significant impact on the outcome of the summit. This symbolic action has made us think about how small stands taken for the right cause have the gravity to change the direction of the wind. This activity was held as part of our project titled "BUILDING A TRANSNATIONAL, CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERSHIP TO INCREASE THE RESILIENCE OF BUILDING COASTAL POPULATION IN SOUTH ASIA" at the Regional Forum held at Sri Lanka from 5-9 February 2024