Civil Society Voices, Vulnerable Communities and localised Platform for Addressing Water Quality Challenges

04/01/2018 - 11/30/2020

The formation of people centric district platforms (at the level of 10 habitations to begin with) so as to serve as the medium for bridging the gap of Data, Knowledge and Services for addressing the water quality issues focusing on Arsenic and hence its subsequent strengthening for scaling up from 10 to 50 and then to 150 habitations. The district platform would have representation from community and other stakeholders (government, academic institutions, CSOs, grass root organisation etc).

In India, the water quality standards are measured through government standard limits set by called Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). While the surface and groundwater are both below par in many areas the water quality standards are above BIS. As per World Resources Institute (2015), more than 100 million people live in areas of poor water quality. Most of the districts are exposed to at least one pollutant which has exceeded national safety standards in 2011. In such a scenario the poorest and marginalised communities continue to suffer the worst consequences. These communities have little power to influence the decisions that impact their lives and livelihoods. 

Supporting local communities to develop and advance their own solutions can go a long way in addressing environmental problems. Through Civil Society Voices, Vulnerable Communities and Localised Platform for Addressing Water Quality Challenges project, SaciWATERs partnered with local communities and civil society organizations to advance the right to clean water. The project ensured that everyone, everywhere has the voice, power and information to be aware of decisions related to water are made.

More specifically, the project :

Aimed in establishing District level people centric platform and empowers and strengthens the capacity of them at the district level for addressing the safe water needs of vulnerable community. The district platform also emphasizes to bridge the gap between community level water quality challenges and would enable the convergence between different government and non-government stakeholders along with ensuring the local citizens involvement is maximized. It will emphasize on sustainable solutions that are ecologically sound and address the most marginalized people. Broadly, the initiative in Bihar and Assam would cater to around 600 habitations which will in turn lead to different models for improving access to safe drinking water which then can be scaled up within the respective districts and beyond too.
