Benefit Sharing in Hydropower Projects in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh

11/01/2017 - 12/31/2018

Policies need to be strengthened through legally binding provisions in the form of acts and laws. Lessons may be learned not only from frameworks developed internationally but also within other sectors in the country. Negotiations with various stakeholders and cross learning from sectoral policies can open doors to ways forward for the very foundation of benefit sharing in India

There is a growing expectation of hydropower projects developers to share the benefits with the people living in the project affected areas. The affected people (by the hydropower projects) are those who are displaced from their place of settlement and whose livelihoods are affected as a result of change in the hydrological and economic dynamics. The people displaced due to dam construction struggle to adapt and develop new livelihoods. In the light of the above the project aimed to identify and assess benefit-sharing processes that have evolved around hydel power projects in Sikkim and Arunachal.

Project Reports & Documents
