• darkblurbg
    SaciWATERs - CapNet Network (SCaN)
    Platform for South Asian Water Professionals to
    Stregthen Human and Institutional Capacity in IWRM
  • darkblurbg
    SaciWATERs - CapNet Network (SCaN)
    Expand Multidisciplinary Knowledge Base
  • darkblurbg
    SaciWATERs - CapNet Network (SCaN)
    Capacity Building is a Two-way Process
  • darkblurbg
    SaciWATERs - CapNet Network (SCaN)
    Facilitate Network Members to Conduct Capacity Building Programs

Welcome to SaciWATERs - CapNet Network (SCaN)

The SaciWATERs Cap-Net Network (SCaN) is a platform for partnership towards capacity building in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) across the South Asia region. It comprises of autonomous regional and national institutions and individuals committed to capacity building in the water sector.

The SaciWATERs joined the Cap-Net Global Network in 2009 as one of its South Asian networks to create the SaciWATERs Cap-Net Network (SCaN). The Cap-Net is a UNDP's international project addressing capacity building for sustainable management and development of water resources. It is made up of a partnership of autonomous international, regional and national institutions and networks committed to capacity development in the water sector. The SCaN aims to provide a platform for working in partnership towards strengthening the human and institutional capacity in IWRM across South Asia. The SaciWATERs hosts the network and acts as its legal, administrative and financial umbrella.

Selected Quotes from Participants

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